Direct access link to the NavBlue PBS webpp:
Supported Browsers and Devices for using PBS:
Mobile Devices
NAVBLUE N-PBS is supported and tested on the following mobile devices, using either Safari or Chrome applications:
iPad Air
iPad Pro
iPhone Plus
iPhone Pro
Operating Systems
The N-PBS Admin and Bidder Interfaces are tested and supported on the following operating systems:
iOS 15.0
Windows 10
Supported Browsers
NAVBLUE N-PBS is supported and tested only on the most recent versions of the following browsers:
MS Edge
Safari (on Macintosh computers running macOS Catalina)
Browser Settings
NAVBLUE N-PBS requires javascript, pop-up windows and cookies enabled in all browsers. See the browser documentation for more details.
Please note that other browsers and devices MAY work with the system however they have not been tested by NavBlue.
New Scheduled Report Times
New scheduled report times when operating from home base for certain aircraft will come into effect on June 1. All times are prior to first flight departure:
A330/B787-9: 1 hour 15 minutes
B773: 1 hour 20 minutes
B77P: 1 hour 25 minutes
Returning to work with a Medical Note
Under Article B4.05.02, cabin crew on Sick Leave that are scheduled to return to work may bid on
and be awarded a block for the month of their return, provided they submit medical evidence to that
effect to Crew Planning.
As a reminder, a medical certificate specifying the anticipated return date must be received prior to
bid close. It may be delivered in person or transmitted by fax to (514) 422-7989 and, once sent,
cabin crew are asked to contact Crew Planning to ensure that the certificate was received.
Recently, there has been an increase in invalid medical certificates among those submitted. Please
note that an anticipated return date must be indicated.
For example:
“... [the patient] will return on Jan XX. “ “...
[the patient] may bid for Jan 2018. “
[the patient] will be off from XX to XX. “
[the patient] will be absent until XX ... “